
nidhi company registration form

NIDHI COMPANY REGISTRATION FORM webinfotech solutions provides nidhi company registration and for that purpose nidhi company registration form in very much important. Any company registration form is must to be filled . There are many software companies in india who provides registration we also provide nidhi company registration online with support who always give support and they are also conscious to give support and service . There are some items those are related nidhi company registration such as nidhi company registration online , nidhi company registration in INDIA , nidhi company registration process , nidhi company registration form   etc. We solved it easily . Our software features and support made us famous in software field. So do not panic just feel free and call us 9330160431  or email-  .  

procedure Nidhi Company Registration Process


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NIDHI COMPANY REGISTRATION ONLINE  Nidhi company registration online is simple and easy process  and less difficult as related to other types of finance companies like  NBFC  which require RBI license to start. Most of the people asks how to register nidhi company or cost of nidhi company registration process ,yes all these  now a days a burning questions to us who are willing to start nidhi company business.  COST OF NIDHI COMPANY REGISTRATION AND PROCESS  There are many features and demo also updated options those will help to the users to calculate.   A nidhi company can be started with an initial capital of Rs.5 lakh and requires at least seven people to start with (minimum 7 members).  Nidhi company registration also needs three directors originally. But more or less now a days it is changing day by day for nidhi company business. Every director requirements a copy of PAN card, ID proof and address proof to apply for a nid...